Musical IntelligenceRecognition of tonal patterns, rhythms, and beats as well as sensitivity to sound can be enhanced through listening, writing, performing & enjoying music. Our goals are for children to create melodies and rhythms and understand the structure of music.
People who display this intelligence:
Verbal-Linguistic IntelligenceEncompasses written and spoken language. Our school program is offered in English with additional daily Spanish and German lessons. Our goals are for children to analyze and use syntax, grammar and understand the meaning of words.
Persons who display this intelligence:
Logical-Mathematical IntelligenceInvolves numbers and abstract patterns using both inductive and deductive reasoning. Our goals are for students to be able to reason scientifically and solve problems in the natural world as well as abstract ones.
Persons who display this intelligence:
Visual/Spatial IntelligenceRefers to the sense of sight and the ability to visualize and create mental images. These abilities can be expressed artistically, geographically, or technologically.
Persons who display this intelligence:
Intrapersonal IntelligenceFocuses on self-reflection and understanding oneself. Our goal is to help students understand self in relationship with others and to identify his/her learning style. When a student is able to recognize his/her strengths and weakness, the next step is to set goals and learn coping and adapting skills.
Persons who display this intelligence:
Interpersonal IntelligenceOperates through person-to person communication in friendships and relationships. Our goal is to help students see things from others' perspectives and to learn to cooperate within a group.
Persons who display this intelligence:
Bodily-Kinesthetic IntelligenceInvolves physical movement and the wisdom of the body. The body and mind continue to learn more and improve performance as we practice skills in movement or sports.
Persons who display this intelligence:
Naturalist IntelligenceDescribes a core ability to recognize and organize or classify parts of the natural environment. Our goals are to help students observe and understand patterns in nature as well as classify plants and animals.
People who exhibit this intelligence and display an outstanding knowledge of the living world include: