Lunch Ordering
You may order lunch for students in grades K-12 using the online store. Please note that ordering will only be open for a limited period of time. If you need to order lunch outside of this window, please contact the front office.
Located on historic Capitol Park, our private PK-12 school offers classes during 5 sessions taught by qualified teachers. Our “family friendly” school is open 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to accommodate working families with AM Classes 8:00-Noon and PM Classes 1:00-5:00. Just send a lunch and we’ll provide care between the two classes. See our website for child care for children ages 1-30 months.
Registration to open soon.
Registration to open soon.
Session One
Tuesday, May 27- Friday, June 6
(May 26 Memorial Day holiday - no school)
AM Cooking With Children’s Literature - Mrs. McGuire $25 fee
PM STEM-sational - Mrs. Freeman
AM Kindness Superheros in Training- Ms. Nad
PM Legos - Mrs. Hill
AM Ocean Explorers STEM - Mrs. Amundson
PM Get Fired Up: Pottery & Clay - Mrs. LaReau $25 Fee
AM Music, Math, Fitness, and Fun - Mr. Whatley
PM Summer at the Museum - Ms. Fraser $25 fee
8:00-12:00 Outdoor Explorations for Middle School - Coach Jensen $30 fee
1:00-5:00 ACT Prep English for High School - Mr. Panciera
Tuesday, May 27- Friday, June 6
(May 26 Memorial Day holiday - no school)
AM Cooking With Children’s Literature - Mrs. McGuire $25 fee
PM STEM-sational - Mrs. Freeman
AM Kindness Superheros in Training- Ms. Nad
PM Legos - Mrs. Hill
AM Ocean Explorers STEM - Mrs. Amundson
PM Get Fired Up: Pottery & Clay - Mrs. LaReau $25 Fee
AM Music, Math, Fitness, and Fun - Mr. Whatley
PM Summer at the Museum - Ms. Fraser $25 fee
8:00-12:00 Outdoor Explorations for Middle School - Coach Jensen $30 fee
1:00-5:00 ACT Prep English for High School - Mr. Panciera
Session Two
Monday, June 9 - Friday, June 20
AM All About Birds - Ms. Hunts
PM Dino Days - Ms. Crutchfield
AM Eric Carle & Mo Willems: Story Explorers Camp - Ms. Nad
PM Super Science - Margaret Hill
AM Rock Star Time - Mr. Whatley
PM Spanish Splash: Dive Into the Language and Culture - Dr. Ruz
AM STEM-tacular Summer - Mrs. Matthews
PM Animal Care/Zoo Snooze - Mrs. LaReau $30 fee
Monday, June 9 - Friday, June 20
AM All About Birds - Ms. Hunts
PM Dino Days - Ms. Crutchfield
AM Eric Carle & Mo Willems: Story Explorers Camp - Ms. Nad
PM Super Science - Margaret Hill
AM Rock Star Time - Mr. Whatley
PM Spanish Splash: Dive Into the Language and Culture - Dr. Ruz
AM STEM-tacular Summer - Mrs. Matthews
PM Animal Care/Zoo Snooze - Mrs. LaReau $30 fee
Session Three
Monday, June 23- Friday, July 3
(No School on Friday, July 4)
AM Art and Music Around the World - Mrs. Redborg $15 fee
PM Summer in France - Ms. Crutchfield
AM Lego Guitars Rock Stars - Mr. Whatley
PM Dinosaur Discoveries - Ms. Nad
AM Book Adventures - Mrs. Hallman
PM Survival Scouts - Mrs. LaReau
AM Puppet Pizazz - Mrs. Fain $25 fee
PM Cooking Around the World - Mrs. Redborg $30 fee
Monday, June 23- Friday, July 3
(No School on Friday, July 4)
AM Art and Music Around the World - Mrs. Redborg $15 fee
PM Summer in France - Ms. Crutchfield
AM Lego Guitars Rock Stars - Mr. Whatley
PM Dinosaur Discoveries - Ms. Nad
AM Book Adventures - Mrs. Hallman
PM Survival Scouts - Mrs. LaReau
AM Puppet Pizazz - Mrs. Fain $25 fee
PM Cooking Around the World - Mrs. Redborg $30 fee
Session Four
Monday, July 7 - Friday, July 18
AM Spectacular Science - Ms. Redborg
PM Exploring Our Solar System - Ms. Hunts
AM Nature Explorers - Ms. Nad
PM Weather - Mrs. LaReau
AM Experiencing Life on the Prairie - Mrs. Hallman
PM Harry Potter and the Magic of Science - Mrs. Redborg $20 fee
AM Rock and Roll Studio Time - Mr. Whatley
PM Sing, Dance, and Play - Ms. Brooks
1:00-5:00 Middle School Math Prep - Dr. Shankman
Monday, July 7 - Friday, July 18
AM Spectacular Science - Ms. Redborg
PM Exploring Our Solar System - Ms. Hunts
AM Nature Explorers - Ms. Nad
PM Weather - Mrs. LaReau
AM Experiencing Life on the Prairie - Mrs. Hallman
PM Harry Potter and the Magic of Science - Mrs. Redborg $20 fee
AM Rock and Roll Studio Time - Mr. Whatley
PM Sing, Dance, and Play - Ms. Brooks
1:00-5:00 Middle School Math Prep - Dr. Shankman
Session Five
Monday, July 21 - Friday, August 1
AM Marvelous Math - Mrs. Freeman
PM Under the Sea - Mrs. McGuire
AM Fairytale Theater - Mrs. Redborg
PM Math & Reading Adventure Camp - Ms. Nad
AM Read, Play, Run - Mr. Whatley
PM Lego Masterbuilders- Mrs. Redborg
AM It’s for the Birds! Mrs. and Mr. Lavender
PM Sewing: Stitch and Style - Mrs. LaReau $15 fee
1:00-5:00 ACT Prep Math - Dr. Shankman
Monday, July 21 - Friday, August 1
AM Marvelous Math - Mrs. Freeman
PM Under the Sea - Mrs. McGuire
AM Fairytale Theater - Mrs. Redborg
PM Math & Reading Adventure Camp - Ms. Nad
AM Read, Play, Run - Mr. Whatley
PM Lego Masterbuilders- Mrs. Redborg
AM It’s for the Birds! Mrs. and Mr. Lavender
PM Sewing: Stitch and Style - Mrs. LaReau $15 fee
1:00-5:00 ACT Prep Math - Dr. Shankman
$270.00 per class
(transaction fee may apply)
Note extra fee for
materials for some classes
School Office: 205-758-2828
School Information:
Music Lessons with Mr. Whatley
$40 per hour
$20 per half hour
Email to arrange: [email protected]
Violin Lessons with Mrs. Zhao
$25 per half hour
Email to arrange: [email protected]
(transaction fee may apply)
Note extra fee for
materials for some classes
School Office: 205-758-2828
School Information:
Music Lessons with Mr. Whatley
$40 per hour
$20 per half hour
Email to arrange: [email protected]
Violin Lessons with Mrs. Zhao
$25 per half hour
Email to arrange: [email protected]
Refunds must be requested one week before the first day of the class. Transaction fee may apply. Note extra fee for some classes. More information included online. All students preschool and up must be potty trained to attend.