Session 4 2024 MS AM: Middle School Math Prep
Session 4 AM: July 8-19
Age / grade level: MS
Teacher: Dr. Daniel Shankman
Description: This summer program is designed to prepare rising 6th graders for the math that they will encounter in middle school, as well as students already in middle school who need reinforcement with the basics. We will focus on the following key skills:
(I): Multiplying two and three digit numbers together
(II): Adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing with decimals
(III): Understanding fractions
(IV): Adding and subtracting fractions with unlike denominators
(V): Multiplying and dividing fractions
Ideally, students learn these skills before the end of 5th grade. However, the reality is that many students begin middle school without these essential skills in place. Middle school math then becomes an uphill battle as students begin working with variables in 6th and 7th grade without having mastered the basics they need to comfortably do prealgebra.
Students will learn using a combination of individual practice, team work, math manipulatives, and storytelling.
Teacher Bio: Daniel Shankman is the math teacher for grades 6-12 at the Capitol School. He taught university mathematics for 7 years and holds a PhD in math from Purdue University.
Please fill out all information for each child's first registration. For additional registrations, you only have to complete the required information.
This is the full camp cost.