Session 2 2023 2/3 PM: Lego Master Builders
Session 2 PM: June 20-30
Age / grade level: 2/3
Teacher: Mrs. Kaitlin Redborg
Teacher Bio: Mrs. Kaitlin Redborg is The Capitol School Fine Art Instructor and she co-teaches in the Freeman/Butler/Redborg Cluster ages 2.5-5. She has an M.F.A in Printmaking Studio Arts from The University of Delaware, a B.A in Studio Art and a B.A in Art History from Lawrence University as well as training in the Montessori teaching method. She has studied art in Florence, Italy and Chicago, with internships in New York City. She has taught art at all levels from early childhood through College and Graduate level. Past Summer Exploration classes taught by Mrs. Redborg include: The Science of Cooking, Art Explorations, Nature Art, A Bugs’ Life and many others.
Please fill out all information for each child's first registration. For additional registrations, you only have to complete the required information.
Note: This cost is for the full camp.